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Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Do you know the real trick to being a successful dieter?

Diets are good, some are excellent. Whether you succeed or fail is almost never the diet’s fault. You won’t be able to succeed on any diet, and you certainly won’t be able to achieve permanent weight loss.

The more you know about how you operate the better equipped you are to lose weight and keep it off. Knowledge is power. Self-knowledge is diet power. Get to your source of diet know-how. It’s definitely in you, and here’s a great way to access it.

First, do a little visualization. Picture yourself at your goal weight. You can certainly do it. You actually visualize things a lot in your everyday life. You imagine your daily tasks before you do them, you imagine upcoming situations and events and how they’ll be for you.

This time, visualize yourself having reached that goal. See yourself as thin as you want to be, looking the way you want to look, feeling the way you want to feel, wearing what you love to wear, moving the way you want to move. Keep this in-focus, clear picture of yourself in your head. It’s pretending, sure, but this kind of pretending gives you a mental edge. It guides you in laying out a path that leads to your goal in reality.

Hold in mind the visual of you at your goal¯feel it, taste it, think it, revel in it. Now ask the imaginary slim you the following questions. The answers will surprise you, inform you, and give you what you need to know.
What would you say were your most important reasons for losing weight when you started out?
Looking back, why do you think you failed on previous diets?
What are some of the things you did differently to make it work this time?
Can you describe what you feel was the biggest obstacle you had to overcome to achieve this weight-loss success?
Did you ask for help from people around you and if so, what exactly did you ask for?
How are the people closest to you reacting to your weight-loss success?
What do you think are 3 major personal strengths that helped you reach your goal?
Is there one central thing about you as a person that in the past interfered with your plans to lose weight?
How has life changed for you now that you’ve reached your weight-loss goal?
What advice would you give another woman who lost weight and now wants to make sure she keeps it off?
Now that you have arrived at your long-desired goal, do you think it was worth the time and effort?
Are there any other significant things about you that have changed along with your weight?

If you are as open as possible during this exercise, you will come up with things you may not have been aware of before. You will tap into a lot you really do know about yourself with regard to dieting and weight loss, positive things that have been hiding in the back of your mind, and negative things that have been getting in your way.

Take what you’ve discovered by indulging in this fantasy and keep the ideas front and center in your mind. The strength this kind of knowledge gives you is immeasurable. This is your mental edge. This self-awareness will partner up with your diet, giving you the power of real diet know-how.

Seven Mistakes, People Make When They Come Into Money

There are something uniquely,about the way to handle money, particularly when it’s received unexpectedly. Whether it’s a bequest from a long-forgotten uncle, an unexpected court settlement, or a sweepstakes winning, suddenly coming into a stash of cash can unhinge any of us
Every day the media reports the misery befalling citizens who previously struck it lucky,We chuckle over poor Joe Slidebuck who pocketed a $3.8 million lottery winning just two years ago and is now filing in bankruptcy. We also shed a crocodile tear for Suzy Highstep whose palimony settlement a few years back slipped a cool bundle into her savings account, but whose Jaguar is now being repossessed. Of course, we breathe a collective sigh of relief that the misfortune is not ours, while wondering if we might have fared better under similar circumstances. For various reasons, many persons can’t handle a windfall. Let’s analyze the mistakes made.
  1. Within a few days long lost cousin Calvin phones to remind you how much he always admired you, and how his current misfortune can be resolved if you can just see your way clear to assisting him. And don’t forget your former classmate Ernie, with whom you stopped exchanging Christmas cards a decade ago. His email extols the close camaraderie you two always shared, adding that the technology IPO his brokerage firm is underwriting is certain to be right up your alley—just like the good old days. If you fail to fend off these moochers and hangers-on, you’ll find yourself in deep trouble.
  2. Take care with those who are closest. If you don’t take a step backward, life can become most unpleasant. With new found prosperity, relations with friends and relatives begin to change as you are viewed as something apart. It seems that admiration and envy are opposite sides of the same coin, and you will be the recipient of both emotions. Your advice and assistance will be solicited, and although you may at first welcome the attention as a novelty, you will eventually find it more burdensome than complimentary. The pressures to be placed upon you can become overwhelming. You may soon become convinced that fame and fortune constitute a mixed blessing.
  3. An urge to spend. Perhaps the single greatest weakness of mankind—and womankind—is an inability to resist purchasing things. It’s this impulse to spend whatever is available that’s the undoing of many otherwise rational individuals. It’s not necessarily human nature. Rather, it’s a learned reflex that must be unlearned if you hope to remain solvent. If not held in check, spontaneous spending is a recipe for disaster.
  4. Charity is often uncharitable. Not a day goes by that the media fails to interview someone who has come—often blundered—into money. Invariably the declaration is blurted out: “I’m gonna’ give thousand dollars to the Zilch Foundation ‘cause I care about feedin’ the leprechauns.” Unfortunately, there is not enough money in the world to satisfy the myriad of organizations with outstretched hands. Charitable institutions that are carefully selected and effectively monitored can be an excellent way to share your good fortune in a meaningful way, but simply pouring out dollars in a spastic impulse is no way to accomplish any good.
  5. Beware, I have saved for the last the most potentially insidious mistake of all. A malevolent effect of sudden prosperity can be your relationship with yourself. although the personal unpleasantness of impecunity, it imposes no demands on the ego. Affluence is another matter entirely, and the pressures it creates can be formidable. If you then add to that the ability to acquire unneeded possessions, exert unwanted influence on others, and seek unwarranted involvement, the potential for impairment is unlimited. One thing is certain: You must come to terms with yourself or you will surely live to regret it.
  6. The investment trap. No one is born with an ability to astutely manage assets. This is a talent that requires knowledge and practice. The safe procedure is to refrain from any investment decisions for a full year, while any windfall is parked in non-risk vehicles such as certificates of deposit, government insured savings accounts, and treasury notes. It’s during that period of time that you will seek to educate yourself. By selective reading, attendance in legitimate instructional courses, and guidance from those persons you trust, you can hope to gain an understanding of what it means to prudently invest.
  7. Although it may seem that sudden prosperity a cure-all for whatever troubles us, it doesn’t work that way. although the problems of meeting the mortgage and financing the children’s schooling may no longer exist, but other problems move in to take their place. You are now a known and recognized commodity in your community and as such, a natural target. You may expect requests for contributions to presumably worthwhile groups. Invitations to attend various functions will be forthcoming. You may even find yourself offered honorary positions or encouraged to become involved in activities for which you have no real interest. The toughest job of all will be to say “no.” Unless you learn to diplomatically turn a deaf ear to the entreaties, there’ll be no peace.

Saturday, September 22, 2007




Friday, September 21, 2007

I think the successful always aiming for the truth.
  • I relate to the core of everyone's pain and promise because I've known pain and promise. I understand that the common denominator in the human experience from the thousands of people that I've talked to is that everybody just wants to be heard. Having that understanding and that connection has really given me wings to fly because I know that I can talk about anything to anybody with a sense of respect and integrity.
  • if you very "conscious" and cautious about what I do in your personal life and what you put out into the universe through the airwaves because I realize I'm speaking to millions of people in 118 countries who all have their varying ways of interpreting what I have said. Where I am on the show is always where I am personally, and where I am right now is in a space where I realize that I have less time remaining on earth than I have had unless there's going to be some miracle that's going to give me another 50 years. The realization of that is exciting and constantly stimulating.
  • Success is a magnifying glass on your personality. Who you are just becomes more intense. The real beauty of having material wealth is that you don't have to worry about paying the bills and you have more energy to be concerned about the things that matter. How do I accelerate my humanity? How do you use who do you on earth for a purpose that's bigger than myself?
  • All women leaders I have met led with a greater sense of intuition than men. I am almost completely intuitive. The only time I've made a bad business decision is when I didn't follow my instinct. My favorite phrase is: "Let me pray on it." Sometimes I literally do pray, but sometimes I just wait to see if I wake up and feel the same way in the morning. For me, doubt normally means don't. Doubt means do nothing until you know what to do. And I'm really, really, really attuned to that.
  • I tell women all the time that you have to fill up yourself so that you have enough to give to other people. Running around on empty does not serve you or your family or your work. If I go too long without a break, I start to feel it. It's like an engine running out of gas. I just physically don't have what it takes to be as up, clear and connected with the audience. So I have to give myself rejuvenation time. For me, that's walking through the woods with my dogs. That is sitting under the oaks reading or doing absolutely nothing. I have to replenish my well; it's essential for me.
  • I'm incredibly excited about my work in South Africa. I'm going to change the future for thousands and thousands of girls because I'm going to give them an education. I'm going to go out into the villages, into the rural areas, the forgotten places, and find the girls who have the potential to excel and be leaders in the world. I'm going to create a leadership academy. I believe that the future of Africa depends upon the future of its girls and women. That's the only thing that's going to turn that continent around.
  • I feel blessed to have a platform that allows me to reach millions of people every day with my show and my magazine. I'm often inspired by the work we do. Recently on our show, I asked viewers to help me track down child predators. Within 48 hours, we had captured two of the men we featured. As a victim of child molestation, this was big for me and for millions of others. When you can use your voice in a way that really speaks to people, it resonates. Whether it's a school or a book or just an idea. That's what fun is. That's what living really is. Living with a capital L.
  • Premature Ejaculation Can Be Very Embarrassing

    all women's dream's have a couple, who can handle the ejaculation, so its tips to handle ejaculation.

    "The Cause of Severe Premature Ejaculation".

  • Simply stated - Hormones control "everything" that happens during a sexual performance - from the erection to the ejaculation, Extreme levels of arousal caused by the overproduction of sex hormones.

  • Premature Ejaculation occurs when your body produces too much hormone too fast. Your body becomes "over stimulated" . The head of the penis becomes so sensitive that you ejaculate almost immediately. There is absolutely no control.

  • not easy to handle Premature Ejaculation, but don't hestitate if you feel BOOM do once of list

    1. give attention to something else.
    2. conduct the strength to hand hardly.
    3. consultancy with your doctor.
    4. exercise, don't surender.

    Monday, September 3, 2007

    17 Importants Thing you need to know

    1. "Women take a fancy to freshment? Women want you to drive, even if it’s their car.
    2. "If she give you my number on Friday, Tuesday and Wednesday are your best bets to score a date. Monday is too desperate, Thursday is too late.
    3. "Female coworkers are obsessed with the fact that on average they receive less pay than male counterparts—and the fact that they work less overtime and get pregnant is irrelevant.
    4. "Women enjoy having something kind of wrong, like a headache,cramping or something. Remember: Don't Worry, she’s going to outlive you.
    5. "if she said her towel down over the wet spot is like putting your jacket over a mud puddle for her, you noble bastard.
    6. "Sixteen percent of men have been with a prostitute—scientific proof most women are decent in bed, but me not like that.
    7. Women always want to believe what you’re saying is true, so don't her disappointed.
    8. "Man think if women really want in bed? More blankets. They get colder than men
    9. "it's important if you want kid 'If women have an excuse to take a pill, they’ll take it" so you must give her feel safe.
    10. "Woman kisses 79 men before getting married.
    11. "Women obsessed with their dogs also like to keep their men on a short leash, but don't act up doggish.
    12. "Women grow hairs in a lot of the same places that men do—lower abdomen, nipples—we just get rid of them.
    13. "Tension is Important For her. Every once in a while she's gonna pick a fight with you for no reason. Accept this as a running, inevitable theme and your relationship will make a lot more sense.
    14. "Women often cite manhandling of breasts as the biggest foreplay faux pas
    15. "Women often buy shoes a size or two small because they’re in denial about the size of their feet—which they can’t stand.
    16. "Women dream of one day peeing in a urinal
    17. "Twenty-three percent of this magazine’s readers are women

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