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Sunday, December 23, 2012

Tips To Prevent cysts and myomas

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Bit of the weather in this country who understand the difference between a cyst and uterine disease (myom). Indeed, the two diseases are both kind of tumor that attacks the female reproductive organs. At a certain level and uterine cysts are benign. Only, they have a pretty fundamental difference. The first is the location of the growth of cysts and myomas. What are the growth of cysts on the ovaries (ovarian). Thus, the disease is often referred to as ovarian cysts. The muscles of the uterus myoma grows on women. "Unlike the cysts that grow outside the uterus. Here lies the difference, "said Martin Walean, Permata Bunda Hospital obstetrician. Growth myoma, or myoma uteri medical terms, is influenced by several factors, including hormonal status. Hormones have an important role in uterine activity, especially estrogen. The hormone estrogen can stimulate tumor growth in this one. Therefore, the network has a number of uterine estrogen receptor that is higher than the content of the muscle tissue. So often grow faster in the reproductive age, especially during pregnancy. That makes myomas is dangerous because it can grow more than one location in the uterus, with the weight and size vary. "It causes disruption in the womb," said Mulyadi Tedjaprana, Clinical Director Medizone. The second difference is his form. If ovarian cysts shaped bag containing liquids, solid myomas. According Boyke Dian Nugraha, gynecologists of Clinical married couple Tebet, Jakarta, to be able to distinguish between cysts and myomas can be done through ultrasonography (USG) four dimensions. "Because, quite difficult to distinguish between them by conventional examination," he said. Boyke added that the size of the cyst and myoma started to grow, it needs special handling, such as lifting action laparoscopy and laparotomy. "This action is only recommended to women, the size of the cyst or miomanya over 5 centimeters," said Boyke.

Although not known causes of cysts or myomas, Tedjapranata Mulyadi declare that both benign tumors that can be avoided by the application of a healthy lifestyle and quality. To avoid both diseases, Boyke advice, it helps women reduce the intake of foods that can trigger the production of the hormone estrogen, such as tofu and tempeh, or soy.


- Avoid eating offal, chicken broilers, eggs, fried foods, fast food, durian.
- Avoid soybeans and soybean products from such as tofu, tempeh, soy milk
- Reduce food / drink sweet
- Expand eat vegetables (except cabbage) and fruits (except durian and too sweet like rambutan, longan).
- Avoid STRESS, get enough rest. "It can stimulate the emergence of myomas," said Boyke. Other healthy lifestyle, chimes Mulyadi, reducing the consumption of fatty foods and frequently eat foods rich in fiber. Also, avoid giving food additives. The most important is regular exercise. "The habit of smoking and alcohol obviously be stopped. If possible, also avoid stress, "said Mulyadi. Although only 0.1% of the total cases of this benign tumor that develops into a malignant cancer, according to Martin, is not impossible that the future will be more and more women who have cysts or myomas. "If not prevented early on, the cyst can grow so deadly ovarian cancer," he said. Currently, according to Martin, ovarian cancer is the leading cause of death among gynecological disease cases in the United States. In the land of Uncle Sam's, ovarian cancer is the fifth disease that causes the death of women after lung cancer, colorectal, breast, and pancreas. Notes only, in the U.S., prior to 1998, cases of ovarian cancer in women aged under 50 years to reach 5.3 per 100,000 cases. This number continues to increase every year. In 1998 recorded 41.4 per 100,000 merudi the case of women over 50 years. (Raymond R, Andrie Indradie)

2 komentar:

julian said...

A very good and informative article indeed Bila anda peduli kesehatan yang lebih optimal kami sarankan rutin konsumsi Jeli Gamat Luxor asli dan kami penyedia secara online suplemen alami yang saat ini banyak dibutuhkan orang obat alternatif penyakit miom disini

merline said...

Berita terbaru dunia kesehatan dan kecantikan yang diulas secara lugas dan info terpercaya artikel persiapan melahirkan dan beragam artikel terkini.
Bagi anda yang sedang mencari pusat Grosir suplemen gamat terpercaya asli grosir jeli gamat murah original bergaransi luxor. Foredi untuk memperpanjang durasi hubungan suami istri atau tahan lama foredi store produk herbal alami aman Melangsingkan tubuh dengan cepat dengan bahan alami pelangsing alami yang aman hasil cepat alami dalam hitungan minggu saja.

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